Friday, May 25, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
this maharaja must be unearth
Today Maharaja is 22.
I stole a picture from his folder.
Daulat tuanku.
Happy birthday ulang tahun hari lahir.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
titah baginda
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
london's calling
I hope you had a good Monday cuz I didn't.
I saw a guy in a yellow Gen2 on road, I looked at him, he smiled, I thumbs-up-ed him? Wtf betul aku ni. Ee memalukan a bit. Gen2 makes me claustrophobic.
Went to Krispy Kreme for sugary treat.
We got three free doughnuts,
because Amanda, Adam and Ika menempek kat tepi counter.
Tak tahu malu.
But then, anak siapa la tu.
Went to Ikea to tukar barang, saw this guy muka sumpah macam Matthew Mcconaughey, tapi sayang, garang bukan main, sekali dia bukak mulut, bengis. Gerun I! Has a ring on his wedding finger though.
I called Mak to wish her happy mothers day. Abah picked up the phone. Then he passed the phone to Mak. He said, Cik Mun, Alia. London's calling.
I swear Abah is so cute.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
train of thoughts
I hate when I do something, people say I copy them.
Even if I don't copy them intentionally.
Like OK la, maybe tersama.
But tak payah la be too obnoxious about it.
Seriously what's the point.
You gooney head.
I don't like you.
Make me happy la tolong, go jump off a bridge.
Someone spilled milo on my white top.
My favourite white top.
I have only worn it twice.
It is sold out.
I hate milo.
Milo is enemy.
Milo stains like apa je.
Stubborn as hell.
Milo also upsets my stomach.
I hate milo.
I complain over little things.
I hate to be engaged in a fruitless pursuit.
It is not a harmless fun, it is a waste of my bloody time.
I love to watch people laugh.
They punya muka will berubah suddenly.
So intriguing.
Like Apek Senario.
I like Apek Senario. I think he's funny.
I miss my anak2 ayam.
I want to eat aglio olio seafood at Picnic.
I hate when people say I don't eat, or my mom don't feed me, or I diet.
I don't like diet pepsi.
I would like to have a 9-meal course with all sepupu jahat.
Just me and them.
Maybe I'd take Bib with me.
I miss Bib. She is best.
I want money, lots of money.
I want to spend like nobody's business.
Watching My Super Sweet 16 makes me depressed.
If I'm rich, I want to buy Esprit Regent Street and Esprit Kingston.
If I'm really rich, I want to buy Esprit Group.
Slurpee is good.
Instantly addictive.
Dirt cheap.
I like a lot.
Brain freeze what?
Green slurpee IS better than purple slurpee.
Zaidi don't think so, he thinks all slurpee are the same.
Tah pape tah.
BOO lah.
But I miss Zaidi.
I think Josh Peck is adorable in Drake and Josh.
Now don't go saying I have an impaired vision.
I don't think Brad Pitt is cute, or handsome, or sexy. Or whatever.
I don't like pacat, pacat don't like me.
We're sehati sejiwa.
I don't like when somebody else use my line.
I hate when people ignore me because I'm small.
I like when people think I'm 17, not 14.
I go to cinema just to get the free postcards.
And watch movie if I have spares left.
I currently have Beck's Lost Cause on repeat.
Amanda is at her I'm-cute-whatever-I-do-Im-cute stage.
She is so gedik beyond belief, but she's cute.
Cuter than you.
Adorable, just like Josh Peck.
But Jake Gyllenhaal is the man.
THE man.
My man.
Ho ho ho.
Kiss kiss kiss under the mistletoe.
I like to mock Hakim's french.
I think Spanish is cooler. Sebab I did Spanish.
So I'm cooler.
By default pon.
It's the shiznit, foo!
Honestly I don't like people who comment like this,
I miss you sgt sgt sgt sgt (even you tgh ada kt sebelah i ni hehehehe).
Some people.
I cried during the final episode of The OC.
Seth, I'm gonna miss you.
I sad.
Iman don't think OC is best. BOO.
I think we all should migrate.
I want to go on rondaan with Acai.
You owe me a slurpee.
I miss Acai.
I'm going to university this autumn.
I scared.
Don't correct my grammar please.
I miss Eric.
I want tebu. Batang tebu.
Bring me batang tebu, I'll marry you straight.
I want to go to Iman's new pad. I miss Iman.
And Hafsa. And Nad. And Syafea. And Sharmi.
I wonder what happen to kucing sebelah rumah Semenyih.
I miss my doktor haiwan.
The tombol of my life.
I still have issues with people who have one ass but occupy 2 seats in the train.
I think they need to be smacked on the head.
I loathe, I dont like nenek kebayan.
Super drama queen.
Pandai berlakon, top notch. Syabas.
I hate you nenek kebayan mandrem.
Now I do this, I don't tiru you.
Ha ok.
You don't tiru me.
Good girl.
Tarik balik.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
kick me im okay
You know when you're mad and angry and tengah gila you do not think straight and you do something and you regret it later and then you feel like kicking yourself? I feel like kicking myself right now.
Sunday was good, kucar kacir, but good.
Family get together konon2.
Lots and lots of leftovers. Tak payah masak for two days.
Bukan malas, taknak membazir.
Membazir tu kawan syaitan.
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