Wednesday, August 13, 2008

butterfly and maggot

Today's slow.
Work's good.
Lunch's late.
Left eye's sore.
House's quiet.
Stomach's empty again.

Ok teka-teki,
What is a more comfortable state of mind?



Saturday, August 09, 2008

bruce springtoe

I am good, although I have this mystery bruise on my right toe.
I smashed a little slug with my right foot accidentally - I need to stress this - and now I feel like scrapping the entire tapak kaki because I can still feel the lembik berair berlendir on my kaki dammit geli la geli!
It came out out of nowhere tiba tiba aku terpijak kau kau nak buat lembik lembik.
Dah la tak comel.
May I just add, it survived.
Definitely a suicidal attempt gone awry.

While we're on the subject, I have one word for people who commit suicide - selfish bastard.
Ok two.
If you want to go die go die in your own sweet time in your own personal space ah.
Hang yourself in your room ke,
Shot yourself in the head in your study ke,
Slit your wrist in your bathroom ke,
Stab yourself to death in your garage ke,
Telan ubat gegat in your store cupborad ke,
Do a Sylvia Plath in your kitchen ke,
It'll be a slow and painful death ah tapi,
At least no one else is involved.
Ini nak kena terjun kat rail trackkkk jugak, masa rush hour lagi.
Nak bunuh diri pon nak kena cari publisiti ke beb?
Train delay semua sebab kau.
Program orang lain rosak semua sebab kau.
Hidup sengsara mati menyusahkan orang.
Tak payah menyusahkan orang boleh tak?
Tak boleh kan?
Tahu dah.