Saturday, January 24, 2009

saturday comes but once a week

We went to Simon's Chinese New Year dinner, and they made yummy-looking dumplings.
Tapi semua inti pork, benci.
Simon's friends weren't the friendly type sangat.
We started filming at 3 ish and by 8.30 pm we were out of there.
There goes my Saturday.

Glenda almost gave us heart attack when she almost dropped the camera.
And my God, don't they eat a lot!
Banyak gila ok tak tipu.
And they took their time too.

Simon is our Andy Lau.
Dumpling babi.

Oooooh and, Happy 12th Birthday, baby sister.
Me love you long time.
Maybe when I'm berduit I'll get you the horse.
Nahhhh, maybe not.

Monday, January 05, 2009

copycat meerkat

Edward Cullen's side profile tiru Jake Gyllenhaal a bit.

Kalau duel mesti la Jake Gyllenhaal menang every corner hands down.
Please sikit Edward Cullen nak menang.

Friday, January 02, 2009

two hundred and nine

Southbank was seriously freezing like minus 30 freezing.
Tak tipu la.

We settled in Waffle House aja. Had a nice little catch up and digging.
Tube and train stations were packed. Jammed.
Jalan also slippery a bit (muntah). Geli la.
Train was free though.
Free is good, can't complain.

And you thought the catching up session at Waffle House was enough?
Noooo, we had to sambung at Uncle Glen's until 5.
And the next day's V&A museum plan also hancur.

And we also watched Twilight.
And EH, that Edward Cullen kan, ish.
Ish I'll tell you later la.
Anyway, it did puaskan nafsu serakah cik Sofia kita.
So all was good.