Sunday, February 22, 2009

the wuthering heights, and the stormy nights

I suck at keeping in touch.
I very rarely check my ym.
Msn you don't say ah.
Sms also you don't say ah.
And phone call? What phone call?

Oh lupa,
Hello Hud yang suka complain gamba besar,
Happy belated birthday.
Kau tu dah tua, buat perangai macam orang tua sikit.

And semoga makin kaya dan bertambah kaya.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

mini russian blizzard

I want some moooooore plssss.

And the following day, no one bothered to turn up for lectures.
Except for a few losers.

My housemites hated me that Sunday morning when it snowed.
Just because I dragged them out of bed to play outside.
So not cool sangat.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

good, good -er, good -est

Brussels was tres bon.
The company was even better.
Dau Ming Shi is the best.

I have pictures and stories to share.
Later ah.
Or maybe not.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

skinny dipping into the world of WoW

My brain hurts from 6 hours of Maya.
Just when I thought we can reconcile from last week,
Extrusion has to ruin everything.
Extrusion, and wonky lines.
Why can't I be good at Maya?