is in total agony
20 pages report, bloody hell.
Thank God my parents do not have Facebook.
Thank God for Tuesdays.
And thank God for scanner, too.
Brussels and Bruges were tres magnifique.
My wallet, however, was not.
Highlights of the trip:
1. The cobblestone streets. But I think by the end of it, semua orang maki the jalan dalam hati sebab sakit kaki.
2. The search for the cheapest Belgian waffle.
3. The mussels and antihistamine. God I have never felt soo like a nenek before, with my medicine and all. Laugh, people laugh.
4. The fight with Adriana. Stupid Youth Hostel receptionist.
5. 8 beds, 6 beds, 4 beds. HAHAHA. (inside joke)
6. Iman's obsession with Haribo strawberry jelly.
7. Syafea' obsession with lace shops.
8. Midnight milkshake at Quick. :)
9. The rainy Saturday morning. Grumpy pants.
10. The snow globe and the security check.
11. The jazz club. Err, hahaha. Rubbish.
12. The free Metro ride.