Yesterday's big idea is turning out to be today's big impediment.
Dont worry, I won't feel obliged to follow it any longer.
I mean, you cannot try to solidify something that needs to remain fluid, right?
You must not.
I must not.
I don't need strategy, I have to be adaptable.
Buang masa betul ah.
what are you rambling about?
i was rambling abouuuut..
how sometimes one thing seems soooo good so fit in soo great one day and tiba2 seems sooo wrong soo busuk the next, and i cannot do anything about it but swallow and adapt to it.. and it's tiring.. and bloody time consuming.. and tiring again.. and this things dont just happen once in a while pulak tu.. man!
wut thing ni?
do tell
kongsi-kongsi lah
sape suro rajen sgt migrate..
dok kl je kan seronok..
what thing u said? more like what thingssssssssss with double ssssssssssssssssssssssssss lagi..
eh musab, how come u knew? haha that's one of the thingsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss la
a little bird told me..
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