Friday, July 20, 2007


I know, I know, I'm a little too ketinggalan zaman, but I've just watched the movie Cinta.

What can I say, I was moved. Ada sikit leleh la. Tak guna kau Kabir Bhatia, main geletek2 dengan tear duct aku.

Beautifully shot too. And there's that Amani girl, I like a lot ah dia tu. But not too much in Cinta.


Anonymous said...

a little ketinggalan zaman?a little la sgtttt huhu

Anonymous said...

satu lg,ooo skang dh pandai main private2 profile kt ms annn

Iman Kamarudin said...

the cinematography is great,
a real breakthru for malaysia

but the cerita itself,
is sadly lacking in originality
basically something uve seen before in english,or other countries punya movie

like i said lah,
story the cikgu tu very touching
and also the isteri sundal hav affair or something tu

but that millionaire part is pure shit
they should just cancel it and replace with something else
even the actors pon tak convincing

dont u just think? ;)

Anonymous said...

which millionaire?yg eizlan tu eh?yeah i think so kut.btw ilya,u were not the one who khabir bathia play geletek2 tear duct.haha.

il y a said...

anon: wooooooot! harus nyah! kena jaga privacy mak nihh

iman: u know what, i think kalau nk ckp pasal originality, berapa bnyk movie yg u can label as very original nowadays pon kan.. nak2 dgn malaysian movies, yg malaysian sendiri pon selalu condemn lack of originality, but kalau hollywood buat oh it's fine it's ok it's hollywood

ok teremosi sedikit di situ, so, that aside

i think with this movie u cannot measure the level of originality, i think we should concentrate on how this movie breaks the mould of the normally typical malay movies yg selalu kena kutuk tu kan.. mcm u said lah, a breakthrough.. the movie as a whole me think..

i think kabir bhatia deserves a lot of credit for this..

the millionaire with the daughter tu eh? i think it's very true to life la tapi.. haha convincing jugak apaa.. i think laa.. it worked with me haha

but that's just me lah, dont mind me, haha

syafea: yg eizlan tu pon i quite like the idea of love tu haha

aih, terpanjang pulakk

egg said...

LOVE...huh.. is overrated..
so last summer..
its a case of mistaken identity..
told you, i was born a romantic cynic..
but the father daughter part touched me abit la..
cheers to that.

il y a said...

haha overrated? ya la, but then what's not overrated with you? ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

mak tk suka tau nyah ko buat mak mcm ni nyah..dinch!

il y a said...

ala kau ni nyah.. sentap ke nok?

Anonymous said...

sentap direntap terketap ketap!ngap!