Sunday, August 12, 2007

note to self

Next time, have a pair of fresh underwear and a toothbrush ready in your bag. Take them anywhere you go. Because you can definitely do without a phone but you can never do without a fresh underwear and a toothbrush.

Baik mak encik.


egg said...

thought your mobile is like your LIFELINE! sure you can live without it? its like waking up and not being able to check on myspace or friendster.heh.

egg said...

and dont forget to bring your CAMERA along..or else INCOMPLETE..*sings it like a boyband*

Anonymous said...

haha lu over tau.. ada phone ada la camera nya nyah oi haha

Anonymous said...

weh i cannot go on ym la.. afiq tgh guna ni.. gua pinjam sat ja

Iman Kamarudin said...

i agree :)

Anonymous said...

u can do just fine without em both