Tuesday, November 13, 2007

happy hour

I just noticed my Visual Comm lecturer looks like Kathy Bates, serious tak tipu. She so reminds me of Kathy Bates in Misery. I don't know what her problem is, I used the word subcutaneous in my presentation, she commented, "Next time use your own word". Jahat a bit.

I hate that stupid oh so sweet Henry tu, tolong lahhhhh, leave already! Tak kuasa la aku tengok kau tiap2 minggu, konon konon sweet la sangat sakit tekak muntah already.

Ok that might be slightly biased. Just slightly. Because I like Gio. The singing Tony Braxton's Unbreak My Heart in the van scene is the best ok. I almost peed my pant laughing.

Ok tipu je. Acah mak enon.

Tapi kelakar.
Yang ni tak tipu.

I should sleep.

Nad and Sakinah are coming for xmas. Yay la kot? Haha. Cannot wait.


Iman Kamarudin said...

mebbe the lecturer sangat-lah in awe and trying to cover it up haha

btw im @ uni library ni
tgk lah nnt jadi tidur jugak sini jalan balik takut,heh

ruchiano said...

ala ilya...lect tu jeles ah tu melayu lg pandai dr mat salleh..haha tayah layan senyum je.

Anonymous said...

go kahwin gio already mak endek!

Anonymous said...

and please use UNDERSTAND instead of GET..hahaha gedid getit gedik?

il y a said...

iman: ok tak relevan langsung haha

jalan je, jauh ke?

fairuz: haha takde la lagi pandai kot, biasa je, tapi mcm, kurang aaaaajar punya lec haha ha cmtu

john: mau mau mau!

johny: john, johny, lepas ni? jonah? joyah? i know, koyah.. adopt koyah! mali pothi! get it? i mean, understand it? haha bengong punya ania

Anonymous said...

ok i might be late to comment on this entry
mengadaaaaaa im sooooo very jealous u guys going off for a trip together.
just dunt forget to post us a bunch of good and nice things yeah with the EXECPTION of u guys' pictures.
itu tak mo tgk nnt sure sakit jiwa dan raga soul and heart.
oke haf fun dudesss~

il y a said...

oh we might forget the first part and move on to the second part terus