charged per hour
Almost forgot I have a blog.
I've been listening to Jason Mraz for the past 5 hours.
I have revision class tomorrow at 1400 hours.
I have to submit mini project by 1200 hours on Tuesday.
Math exam is on Thursday at 9 am for 2 hours.
Friday I have to submit visual communication website before 0000 hours.
I have at least 10 hours to sleep.
And I still don't like Keira Knightley.
keiras hot
cheer up ilya!
im sure u'll do great :)
don't worry poulet, u'll do great. just make sure u get enough rest. ;)
we were bitching on the phone for 2 hours...
yana: i can get good rest in 3 days tho? haha
eric: ye la, takut takut
quit college
join a band
go take shower or something la musab
do something berfaedah will you
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