Sunday, December 28, 2008

santa claus (es) is coming to town

Iman, Syafea and Hud are coming to brighten my dull winter break.


Tapi sebenarnya nak pegi shopping kan? Sebab Manchester takda Comptoir des cotonniers kan? You don't lie eh.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

you like?

Technology is the shit, man!


Asda online grocery lagi suka!

Hi happy people, have a good tomorrow.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Morning View

There's no pleasing some people.
The more you offer, the less they appreciate.
The more you explain, the less they understand.
The more you try, the less they seem to care.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

butterfly and maggot

Today's slow.
Work's good.
Lunch's late.
Left eye's sore.
House's quiet.
Stomach's empty again.

Ok teka-teki,
What is a more comfortable state of mind?



Saturday, August 09, 2008

bruce springtoe

I am good, although I have this mystery bruise on my right toe.
I smashed a little slug with my right foot accidentally - I need to stress this - and now I feel like scrapping the entire tapak kaki because I can still feel the lembik berair berlendir on my kaki dammit geli la geli!
It came out out of nowhere tiba tiba aku terpijak kau kau nak buat lembik lembik.
Dah la tak comel.
May I just add, it survived.
Definitely a suicidal attempt gone awry.

While we're on the subject, I have one word for people who commit suicide - selfish bastard.
Ok two.
If you want to go die go die in your own sweet time in your own personal space ah.
Hang yourself in your room ke,
Shot yourself in the head in your study ke,
Slit your wrist in your bathroom ke,
Stab yourself to death in your garage ke,
Telan ubat gegat in your store cupborad ke,
Do a Sylvia Plath in your kitchen ke,
It'll be a slow and painful death ah tapi,
At least no one else is involved.
Ini nak kena terjun kat rail trackkkk jugak, masa rush hour lagi.
Nak bunuh diri pon nak kena cari publisiti ke beb?
Train delay semua sebab kau.
Program orang lain rosak semua sebab kau.
Hidup sengsara mati menyusahkan orang.
Tak payah menyusahkan orang boleh tak?
Tak boleh kan?
Tahu dah.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

floored.. err

Nak buang duit takda duit, cari duit la!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

put my foot where my mouth is

"Beb kau kat mana? Ke aku salah tempat ni?"
"Kitorang dah on the way."
"Traffic ke?"
"Takde la traffic, jalan block. Ada bawak makanan tak?"
"Ha tak pasal kau ni."
"Takde la ingatkan kau masakkan untuk aku ke apa."
"Ha ha. Pandai atuk kau."
"Oops shit, tak tak."

Stupid line! No I was not proud of that. I said it like gazillion times already it just came out at the wrong time. Bodohhh.

It was Shakir's atuk's funeral.

I've always thought that funeral sucks. Not in a it sucks therefore let's not have it kinda way, but in a .. Ah faham2 sendiri la. But today's funeral was.. different. It didn't really feel like a funeral. I'm not saying it was great, cuz it wasn't. It was sad still. It's just.. There was something missing.

You're accustomed to having a "proper" funeral, baca talkin and siram air mawar and the whole shebang. When it's not there it just doesn't feel right. Nothing's wrong with that either. It's just different. Less depressing I would say. It was quick too.

Ahh anyway. When it's time, it's time, right? I feel sorry for nenek, though. Safwa dah la still in KL tak dapat ticket. She kept saying, 'Nenek teringat kat Safwa tengok kau ni.' Oh man, tear duct dah kena geletek. Watching her at the cemetery after the funeral just did it for the duct. Gila sedih. A husband for 47 years, through thick and thin and up and down, and then one morning, bam! Gone. If you don't feel anything I don't know ah what you are. Si toya sekor tu boleh lagi nak main2, tak guna punya budak. Uncle Glen cakap maybe he's grieving on the inside. Ha ha, yeah ok.

Yeah ok la maybe.

Untuk arwah Atuk Ali, semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat mu ya Allah, dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang beriman insyaAllah.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

5.75 for 2 and more free postcards

Prince Caspian tu comel jugak kan? Haha. Macam baby.
Tapi Ben Barnes himself, not as much. Putih sangat la, macam mayat.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


"Hey do you want to be my Nancy?"
"Please be my Nancy."
"I can so be your Sid."
"Okay. Minus the drugs and sex."
"Okay I'll pass."
"I guess we'll just be Leon and Mathilda then."
"Okay but can I be Mathilda instead?"
"And I'll be Leon?"
"Yeah you need to butch it up a little bit."

"Just a tiny bit though."



Wednesday, July 09, 2008

it is rude to stare

I've been having these weird dreams lately.
They're not connected but they happened at the same time but they're not really.
I tried to figure them out but I gave up half way.
Maybe I should dig up Freud himself.

And yo, nuno, where your gallery at? I got 404 error.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

orang ngomong anjing gonggong

Paris was fun.
Let's do it again sometimes.
Minus the chaos.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

walking lollipops

I hardly have time for myself lately. No thanks to the endless laundry, sepuluh juta pictures yet to be (edited and) uploaded, sepuluh ribu chores need attending to, sepuluh ribu hours of sleeping need catching up on etc etc.

But it's all good.

It's getting real summer-y-ish outside. But this also means more dogs outside.

Someone from junior high got married yesterday. Here we go again, another one bites the dust. In the nicest possible way la.

Anak raja is still in Europe tak aci BOOOOO whatever jennifer.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

they need to go

10 fish fingers,
mashed potato,

1 salmon steak,

2 red bean buns,

1 chicken briyani,

1 margherita pizza,

bubur pulut hitam,

1 can of baked beans,

mushroom soup,

and last but not least,

kaaacang rebusss.

Ah this is not even funny.
Allow this, man.

And also, memo for assignments in 2nd year is already out.

Lagi la tak kelakar langsung.

And also, seri with Romania? What the hell?

It was still sunny outside.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

today's the day

Last exam.

Euro 2008.

Allez les Bleus!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

brazen old cow

Well, if you must lie, at least don't get caught.

And, if you do get caught, don't bother covering it all up.

Just shuttttttttttt upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

it's the modern way

It's a bit lazy to do an online grocery shopping isn't it?

Ahhh senyap kau, ada kereta boleh ah cakap macam tu.
Pegi Asda £3 tahu tak??
Barang2 tu berat tahu tak??
Ha tak tahuuu.

Whaaaat? It's free delivery, and the man carries your stuff right to the front door! I didn't ask him to, it comes with the job. I pay the same price minus £3 ok. Ha ha cheap skate.

Ah so what.

I've done it once, I'll do it again.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

they made me a sinner

What I hate about exam is this.
Exam makes me stress.
Stress gives me ulcer.
Ulcer annoys me.
Me, is not happy.

So I've been tagged by poulet. I thought, layan best jugak, lol.

Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan:

£1000 spending money
- A car, comes with insurance, and one of those petrol cards like Lelaina had in Reality Bites
- Paid second year tuition fees
- Horizon Perfekt
- Friends complete boxset

Senaraikan alasan atas pilihan anda itu:

- Seribu je, bukan banyak pon
- Yay!
- Go figure
- Beli sendiri tak mampu la
- Dekat ebay pon mahal, cis melampau

5 impresi terhadap orang yang diminati:

- Taller than me
- Pandai bawak diri
- Humorous
- Ada sombong sikit perangai
- Can drive

Perkara yang paling hebat pernah dilakukannya untuk anda:
- Macam mana nak jawab ni?

5 ciptaan yang paling disukai (tidak semestinya melibatkan teknologi yang maju):

- Rice cooker
- Disposable camera
- Carboot sales
- C&E Rosewater body lotion
- John Frieda hair serum hahaha senyaaaaappp semua orang

Apakah perkara yang paling dibenci?

- Muka/perangai macam bagus
- Certain Flatmate
- No toilet when I need to go
- The fact that it costs
£3 to go to Asda
- Computer System module

5 Orang yang yang mahu anda tag:

- No need la
- Ok la
- Iman
- Musab
- haha siapa je yang blog lagi pon

Aaaargh Certain Flatmate dah balik flat baliiiikkk! Dah la suka pasang lagu Chris Brown.. with you with you with you with you with youuuu.. kepala hotak dia.. buat dosa aku la kau ni

Saturday, May 03, 2008

dont swear underwear

It was nice while it lasted.

Lepas tu hancur.

Then you move on.


Whateverrrrrr jenniferrrrr.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I don't need rich boyfriends or the like of Sufiah's service-per-hour monies.
I have ebay.
So save your 40 quid.
Save it. Save it for yo mama.

Little bugger removed her video from youtube. Cheeky tuuuut. Jaga kau.

And why do Durham have a hall of residence in a form of an old castle?

And that guy yang konon posh tu, next week giliran kau. What a pleb.

I need to start hating less people.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

soft clouds

My prayer has been answered.

The new Holga 35mm camera is out, YES! YES! OH YES!

Now, the question is,


Cisssss bedebah!

Friday, April 11, 2008

birthday man

Kalau naik rollercoaster muka dia je nak yang paling cool dalam gamba.
Tak aci gila.

Tak boleh macam tu, dia tu bapak, kau tu anak.

It's his birthday today.

Eleh he doesn't even remember my birthday pon selalu.

Tak boleh macam tu, dia tu bapak, kau tu anak.

Ok la ok la.

Happy 52th birthday, ayah.

pins and needles

Sorang sakit, sorang tak sakit.
Dua dua tak mandi.

Good times, good times.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

(not the stupid boyband) busted

It's funny how people you thought would never judge you so superficially, tiba2 terkantoi.

Let's all laugh while we're in the moment shall we.

"Oh it's nothing. I was just reading the history of the prophets."

"Oh.. You read that kinda stuff?"

"Err, yeah? Why?"

"Well I never thought of you as 'into religion' sort of person."

"Oh? When is this?"

"All these times I knew you."


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

and so it is,

I'm starting to think that it might not be a good idea after all.

I think it is called fixation, although I'm not too sure. I'll get back to you on that.

Or maybe not.

Anyway, 3 more days.

ilya: eh I'll talk to u later la eh
ilya: ada kerja sikit
meor: oraite
meor: keje apa?
ilya: err.. haha
ilya: cari and download moviess
ilya: internet kt rumah tak power macam kat uni beb
meor: hahah
meor: opportunist

And if you think about this logically, 1 plus 1 doesn't always equal to 2.

Friday, March 28, 2008

one windy day

"Hey, are you Ilya Ismail?"
"No sorry. I think you got the wrong person."

"Oh? Ok sorry."

"Hey I'm soooo sorry I'm late."

"I can't, my mom is coming this weekend."

"Would you like to know about our deal bla bla bla?"
"Yeah, no, your colleague over there just explained it to me."

How hard is it to lie?
Tak susah kan nak menipu.
Siapa cakap susah?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Caveat emptor, to all that enter here

Main riff, drums, breakdown solos, oh and Cedric's dancing.

I'll tell you.

And that's just the first 10 minutes into the Apollo set.

It got more and more insane from then on. Insane on every level.

Awesome gig. The band was on fire, Cedric was unstopable, Omar was astounding, Ikey was unbelievable, Pridgen was out of this world, and Adrian, man Adrian he was ammmmmmayyzing. Shame I didn't get a shot of him, though. Bodoh kan.

Shame I didn't get to record more videos, too. Security was tight, so were their faces. Muka ketat nak duduk depan aku nak tangkap gamba, pegi mampos. Bastards.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't mind being the way I am, but that night, MAN I WISH I WAS A LIIIIITLE BIT TALLER!!!



3 full hours of eargsm blew Apollo to bits.

One sick, sick gig.

The remarkable moment of the night was this,

Padan muka kau sekuriti2 tak guna.

Cedric, I salute you.

And security, I hate you.

And I loved Roulette Dares live.

And I hate photobucket.
Tahu ah kau tu free service tapi tak payah ah buat hal je selalu.

And I love Iman the nanny, for putting up with it the whole 3 hours.
You were amazing. I will belanja you ice-cream the next time I see you.

Tapi tmv lagi amazing mintak maaf.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

ok, go!

I said OK, GO! On your mark, get set, g .. hang on hang on.

New name. New linkage. New crowd. New name.

Are we sure here?
Are we clear?

Ok. GO!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

liar pants on fire

Acah mak enonn.

Ok kembali.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

sweetcorn in mud

I could pass as a zombie.