Friday, March 28, 2008

one windy day

"Hey, are you Ilya Ismail?"
"No sorry. I think you got the wrong person."

"Oh? Ok sorry."

"Hey I'm soooo sorry I'm late."

"I can't, my mom is coming this weekend."

"Would you like to know about our deal bla bla bla?"
"Yeah, no, your colleague over there just explained it to me."

How hard is it to lie?
Tak susah kan nak menipu.
Siapa cakap susah?


Anonymous said...

liar liar pants on fire

il y a said...

white lies alright

Anonymous said...

dpt pahala init lol

GurL-FriDay said...

yeahhhh its not hard to lie esp to people we don't want to entertain!