Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i love presents, give me more

Bafiq just got back from his Japan trip and he got me two kokeshi dolls,
which are now sitting very cutely on my window sill.

He also got me those kimono origami bookmarks and get this, a yukata with a matching obi, hahaha.
He told me to wear it at uni's international night,
and say that I am of Okinawan descent.
Now that I have my own yukata I have a reason to go to Japan during summer.
I only need my geta sandals and I'm good to go.

Banyak duit mak bapak kau la.

Speaking of mak bapak,
Mama got me this when she was in KL last month.


Anonymous said...

sangat cute melamapau2..me luv presents jugak ok..haha

ilya dear, tiba2 selesema ba*i pulak ni...tak tau cane trip tu...

care ye adik

Iman Kamarudin said...

woooyyyy kau ni tak aci gila tau

GurL-FriDay said...

i still haven't watched my lovely sam soon. best tak best tak?

Anonymous said...

i heard someone is coming back this summer. Yumm.. Yumm..

il y a said...

ehhh? really? which little birdie told you ni