sorry, kids, but I ran out of quarters
Let's pick it up from the end of May:
+ I've finished exam.
+ I've watched The Classic and secretly cried.
+ I've watched My Best Friend's Girl and openly cursed and cussed.
+ I've had a haircut.
+ I've bathed in Rome's sun in June with Iman, Syafea and Maya.
+ I've passed my second year.
+ I've become addicted to Japanese variety shows, and Kookai.
+ I've bought LOTR boxset(!)
+ I haven't been in touch with friends and family from back home.
+ Mak passed away.
+ Uncle Kamarul passed away.
Mak was my carer by the way.
More on these later.
Let's just bersihkan the sawang for the time being for Kak Banat.
1 comment:
eeyh, dah berseri2 la blog ni.
mmg la blog lama me dah bersawang, org pindah blog barula..
ni new address.
just got the news.
al-fatihah for both of them
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