enjit enjit semut, siapa sakit naik atas
Orang main enjit-enjit semut menegak, kita main enjit-enjit semut melintang.
Semua orang sakit.
Semua orang naik atas.
Bila nak habis?
I think I've been quiet for far too long.
Orang main enjit-enjit semut menegak, kita main enjit-enjit semut melintang.
Semua orang sakit.
Semua orang naik atas.
Bila nak habis?
I think I've been quiet for far too long.
It's been a busy couple of weeks here in Woking.
Ayah's MPV hunting has officially ended on the 23rd.
Mama's on a 12-day trip to KL.
Afiq brought back a friend, unannounced. Twice.
Hakim is in Tenerife for a week with his football friends.
Nisa had an orthodontist appointment. (ha ha)
Ika.. nothing is going on with Ika.
I, on the other hand, had been busy shopping, slacking, and more shopping.
And of course, got entangled in the infamous sleeveless incident.
It's actually the infamous sleeveless PLUS SOMETHING incident,
but let's just call it that for now.
Ok, this, deserves a post of its own.
In the meantime,
I need
another haircut.
to finish disc 3 of LOTR boxset.
to switch back to 3-year degree.
to call Abah.
to grow up.
Rome was hot like mendatangkan kemarahan hot.
We walked a lot like sepuluh marathon a lot.
Trevi Fountain was beautiful like kena datang hari hari siang malam beautiful.
The Pantheon was amazing like tiba tiba tak pasal pasal datang daripada mana tah amazing.
Iman's determination could win her an award.
Maya's slightly creepy. Not more than Ali, though. Haha.
Ali was Hotel Lela's receptionist yang sebenarnya is a Muslim but wallahualam, but,
he was super nice to the point of being creepy.
Syafea's favourite answer when asked "Awak ok Syafea?": 'kita ok je'.
And then 10 seconds later she'd pull a not-ok face.
Alamak I forgot already what everyone's favourite line was.
Let's pick it up from the end of May:
+ I've finished exam.
+ I've watched The Classic and secretly cried.
+ I've watched My Best Friend's Girl and openly cursed and cussed.
+ I've had a haircut.
+ I've bathed in Rome's sun in June with Iman, Syafea and Maya.
+ I've passed my second year.
+ I've become addicted to Japanese variety shows, and Kookai.
+ I've bought LOTR boxset(!)
+ I haven't been in touch with friends and family from back home.
+ Mak passed away.
+ Uncle Kamarul passed away.
Mak was my carer by the way.
More on these later.
Let's just bersihkan the sawang for the time being for Kak Banat.
Atuk lu it's okay!
I think I might have failed Audio and Video Technology paper.
Still okay?
Ish you, you.. sod off ah!
To stress out.
And it's ok to be stressed out.
Ok so I only have 3 papers.
I've looked at past papers,
and I swear whoever made the Audio/Video Technology paper was trying to be a smartass.
Sooooo not cool ahh BOOO YOUU!
Otak sakit already.
And the timing can't get any better.
Isya' pukul 11, Subuh pukul 2.30.
Kalau nak kena ganti puasa memang lembik ah nak tunggu Maghrib.
And tiba tiba ada jerawat dekat tengahhhhh dahi.
So kena senget sikit kepala bila sujud.
Sah ke?
Bafiq just got back from his Japan trip and he got me two kokeshi dolls,
which are now sitting very cutely on my window sill.
He also got me those kimono origami bookmarks and get this, a yukata with a matching obi, hahaha.
He told me to wear it at uni's international night,
and say that I am of Okinawan descent.
Now that I have my own yukata I have a reason to go to Japan during summer.
I only need my geta sandals and I'm good to go.
Banyak duit mak bapak kau la.
Speaking of mak bapak,
Mama got me this when she was in KL last month.
After 14 weeks of Maya madness,
9 painful days and 2 sleepless nights,
at 0404 hours in a cold av studio,
it's done.
DONE done.
I would like to thank my little termites,
who put up with the daily scream of agony,
and especially Raj Kapoor's wife for walking with me to Electronics at odd hours,
Sanchai for the occasional visit to my room upstairs,
good distraction,
Seaside for the.. err.. for the.. good distraction also?
I owe this to you guys,
and to the countless rerun of Phua Chu Kang and Samsoon for keeping me sane.
Big shout out to mysoju.com for Absolute Boyfriend and It Started With A Kiss.
Soshi-san I love youuuuuuuuuuuu.
Zhi Shu I love youuuuuuuu.
And Naito I don't love you.
Ok more about this later.
Bret, you'd better give me good marks for this, or else.
OR ELSE, I say!
Thank God my parents do not have Facebook.
Thank God for Tuesdays.
And thank God for scanner, too.
Brussels and Bruges were tres magnifique.
My wallet, however, was not.
Highlights of the trip:
1. The cobblestone streets. But I think by the end of it, semua orang maki the jalan dalam hati sebab sakit kaki.
2. The search for the cheapest Belgian waffle.
3. The mussels and antihistamine. God I have never felt soo like a nenek before, with my medicine and all. Laugh, people laugh.
4. The fight with Adriana. Stupid Youth Hostel receptionist.
5. 8 beds, 6 beds, 4 beds. HAHAHA. (inside joke)
6. Iman's obsession with Haribo strawberry jelly.
7. Syafea' obsession with lace shops.
8. Midnight milkshake at Quick. :)
9. The rainy Saturday morning. Grumpy pants.
10. The snow globe and the security check.
11. The jazz club. Err, hahaha. Rubbish.
12. The free Metro ride.
I suck at keeping in touch.
I very rarely check my ym.
Msn you don't say ah.
Sms also you don't say ah.
And phone call? What phone call?
Oh lupa,
Hello Hud yang suka complain gamba besar,
Happy belated birthday.
Kau tu dah tua, buat perangai macam orang tua sikit.
And semoga makin kaya dan bertambah kaya.
Brussels was tres bon.
The company was even better.
Dau Ming Shi is the best.
I have pictures and stories to share.
Later ah.
Or maybe not.
My brain hurts from 6 hours of Maya.
Just when I thought we can reconcile from last week,
Extrusion has to ruin everything.
Extrusion, and wonky lines.
Why can't I be good at Maya?
We went to Simon's Chinese New Year dinner, and they made yummy-looking dumplings.
Tapi semua inti pork, benci.
Simon's friends weren't the friendly type sangat.
We started filming at 3 ish and by 8.30 pm we were out of there.
There goes my Saturday.
Glenda almost gave us heart attack when she almost dropped the camera.
And my God, don't they eat a lot!
Banyak gila ok tak tipu.
And they took their time too.
Simon is our Andy Lau.
Dumpling babi.
Oooooh and, Happy 12th Birthday, baby sister.
Me love you long time.
Maybe when I'm berduit I'll get you the horse.
Nahhhh, maybe not.
Edward Cullen's side profile tiru Jake Gyllenhaal a bit.
Kalau duel mesti la Jake Gyllenhaal menang every corner hands down.
Please sikit Edward Cullen nak menang.
Southbank was seriously freezing like minus 30 freezing.
Tak tipu la.
We settled in Waffle House aja. Had a nice little catch up and digging.
Tube and train stations were packed. Jammed.
Jalan also slippery a bit (muntah). Geli la.
Train was free though.
Free is good, can't complain.
And you thought the catching up session at Waffle House was enough?
Noooo, we had to sambung at Uncle Glen's until 5.
And the next day's V&A museum plan also hancur.
And we also watched Twilight.
And EH, that Edward Cullen kan, ish.
Ish I'll tell you later la.
Anyway, it did puaskan nafsu serakah cik Sofia kita.
So all was good.